From 2018 - 2021, Madeleine was on the producing and editing teams within the Turner (now Warner Bros Discovery) Promos department. Here’s some of what she did…

Produced spots for Turner Classic Movies

For these promos I wrote the script, directed the VO talent, and oversaw the edit, motion graphic, and sound sessions.

Produced all social assets for TCM films

I created and pitched concepts to promote the films that were showcased on TCM. I scripted them and oversaw the edit and delivery of these assets. For this specific video, I also went to Dragon Con to shoot the footage.

Animated segments for Cartoon Network Latin America

For Cartoon Network Latin America, we were tasked with watching through CN shows and mixing multiple shows into one scene/bit to create short form segments. These reworked animations and edits were then pieced into a longer episode that aired in Latin America. Here is an animation I created.

Edit assisted on Turner shows

Ingested dailies, created selects reels, did first passes at episodes, and delivered promos for air. I became well versed in the technical side of show asset management and coordinated with on set DITs and show producers. I also got the chance to cut my own promos.